Pemalite said:
HollyGamer said:
Trying to comparing Anaconda to Xbox One X is not correct , because Xbox Scorpio (X) technology to the original Xbox One is 2 generation leap . It means to be comparable and to be called premium it need two generational leap like Xbox One X is. Remember Xbox One is 1,3 teraflpo with the price 300 USD while Xbox One X is 6 teraflop with 500 USD in 4 years gap.
Anaconda can be called premium if it 4 years gap , it's not just the price. But they can make it premium if it's price around 1000 USD. Because Xbox One X if it was released in 2013 it would have been price around 1000 USD.
Flops has no correspondence to a console generation.
Next gen consoles, if they use the same Graphics Core Next derived hardware is essentially all the same GPU generation from the PC's perspective.
I am not talking about the flops, i am talking about comparison to make it easy to compare so i wouldn't have to explain between console generation. To be called premium like Xbox One X , Anaconda should have the power 5 to 6 times Lockhart.