Intrinsic on 16 December 2018
PAOerfulone said: Matching the 3DS is the absolute bare minimum of the Switch. My Switch LTD predictions: FY 2017: 2.74m FY 2018: 15.05m (17.79m) FY 2019: 19m (36.79m) FY 2020: 21m (57.79m) - Animal Crossing, Pokemon Gen 8, price cut/hardware revision to $250. Peak year. FY 2021: 16m (73.79m) - MP4, Bayo 3, Pokemon Gen 4 remakes, growing 3rd party support. FY 2022: 12m (85.79m) - hardware revision/price cut to $200. FY 2023: 11m (96.79m) - Pokemon Gen 9 in November, NS2 Launch in March. FY 2024: 8m (104.79m) - hardware revision/price cut to $150. FY 2025: 4m (108.79m) FY 2026: 1.21m (110m) FY 2027: 0.30m (110.30m) - Discontinuation FY 2028: 0.03m (110.33m) - Final year on the market. Americas: ~44 million Europe: ~27 million Japan: ~27 million Others: ~12 million |
Unrealistic if you ask me. The jumps and drops are too much. Increasing by 4M from 15M to 19M, then anther 3M increase from 19M to 21M then massive 5M drop from 21M to 16M........... nope, sales just don't work like that.