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colafitte said:
SKMBlake said:
I can't believe I went through 49 pages.

All I have to say is most of the pessimistics don't include the fact that the Switch's audience isn't the same as previous Nintendo consoles or handhelds. The audience is a mixbag of classic Nintendo audience (kids, families) and a new audience that no one could expected (middle-aged people, around 25-50 YO, who don't play games anymore, or only on PC). That's the new audience which replaced the casual audience of the Wii. And this audience is more severe when it comes to games where quality is more important than quantity. Could you see Skyrim or Warframe, or any great indie titles sell more than 1 million on the Wii/3DS ? I don't think so. But those games are the ones which make the Switch appealing.

You say there are pessimistics, plural. Pessimistic is expecting more than 80M Switch sold by the end of its lifetime?. Really, how many people here have said that Switch is going to sell less than 3DS or less than 80M lifetime?? But i don't hear anything about the people expecting 100M+ sales for the Switch...What are those posters then, optimistics??, or just realistics?.

People are taking for granted how difficult is to sell 80M+ home consoles i think...... (home console price i mean so people don't come at me saying is an hybrid console)

Did you really quote me for one word despite all the things I said after that word ?