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DonFerrari said:

The point is that carring Switch to let's say 40-50M on Nintendo 1st party alone is one thing, to pass 80M without significant 3rd party support is another. And that is where the overlapping came in question.

Funny........ this is exactly what I have been saying over the last 4 pages or so. The mistake I made was that I tried to explain it and elaborate and use examples and data.

All along my point was that Going past 40M with only nintendo software is not only really hard but its actually something nintendo has never really done before. The need a lot more games to be an 80M console especially when you take into account the amount of IP  overlapping that is also apparent with nintendo platforms.


peachbuggy said:
DonFerrari said:

The point is that carring Switch to let's say 40-50M on Nintendo 1st party alone is one thing, to pass 80M without significant 3rd party support is another. And that is where the overlapping came in question.

Well, i guess none of us can predict the future and there are quite a few different permutations. I think you have a point but we will be a little wiser post-NPD. Being that the Switch is a hybrid it's probably hard to compare to any of Nintendo's past consoles. However, i'm looking at its momentum right now and imo it would take a spectacular collapse in sales for it not to reach at least 90m+.

Well I am seeing its momentum too but that could really be explained.

The NS is selling like a $300 home console. And in truth its so far not putting the kinda numbers the PS4 managed to put as  $300 console. In 2017 the PS4 has its first ad only 20M sales year. And that year it was sold at $300. The NS in its second year and at $300 will do around 16M in total year sales. So say with a better price and more games it goes up to what? 20M? That could be possible but nothing about how its selling now suggests it can pull in 20M+ years.

It doesn't need a spectacular collapse in sales.... all it needs is two more years like this one.