Intrinsic said: I do not know how else to say this without what I am saying being twisted.
But you do realise that Switch is much appealing than 3DS was in any case? Thats why Switch is selling stronger than 3DS in same period despite difference that 3DS needed huge price cut only 6 months after launch to start selling better and point that already in same time period like Switch 3DS already had one one revision, Switch still has launch price and only one revision. Also how time is passing difference in sales will be only bigger compared to 3DS, 3DS for instance in its full second fiscal year after launch done 14m, Switch will in its full second fiscal year do around 5m more than 3DS (current 2018. FY), for third full fiscal year difference will be even bigger.
Talking about 3rd party support, Switch have more diverse lineup than 3DS, and Switch 3rd party support is increasing how time is passing. Also fact that you keep ignoring is that Switch in unfied Nintendo platform compared to 3DS, that means all Nintendo IPs (both handheld and home consoles) on single platform and full undivided support from Nintendo in any case, that includes exclusive 3rd party deals just for one platform.
What you failed to see is that Switch is not selling only to Nintendo gamers, plenty of PS4/XB1 owners buying Switch like secondary console, simple Switch is more than enough diverse to PS4/XB1 that people can easily buy despite they have PS4/XB1 in order to play Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Mario Kart, Smash, Metroid, Animal full handheld mode or in home console mode, same like people that want to play games like Dark Souls, Diablo 3, Doom, Wolfenstein, full handheld mode.
80m is bare minimum that Switch will do, Switch can easily reach and past Wii sales, because compared to Wii, Switch buy time will start selling like device per person (when price point go to $200 or below).