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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

Barozi said:
phinch1 said:

Both sides had 1 year on TV debating this, a second referendum would be ignoring democracy, you would literally have riots on the streets especially with the yellow vest movement becoming very popular. 

You act like the last referendum was the first for the UK to stay in the EU. You're wrong.
There is NO reason not to make a "second" referendum. Since then millions of young people became eligible to vote and millions of old people have died, which makes their vote worthless. If the result stays the same, so be it. But ignoring those millions of votes is definitely much more undemocratic.

Plus since then, all those people that lead the "leave the uk" bandwagon, have left.
Like boris johnson ect. 
None of them want to try and deal with the mess they made, and the lies they told.

Now the UK is wakeing up to the fact that they where lied too, and smelling the coffee.
Plus thats not even going into Cambridge Analystica, with backing from Russia tried to manipulate the vote with propaganda.

A new vote makes sense imo.
Reality smacks you in the face, no harm in getting another chance to decide if you really want to jump off the bridge.