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Personally, while I don't mind it on some games, I do mind it on others. I do think that when your target demo is children or those unfamiliar with games, a bit of experiential prioritization is needed. I do think however that there are games where the experience is effected by the difficulty, and I don't at all believe in this democratic notion that everybody is entitled to their own satisfying experience. When the literature is in the mechanics, don't touch the mechanics.

I always liken it to that - literature. I do not, for example, think that someone who does not have the reading comprehension necessary to comprehend Shakespeare should get to enjoy the narratives in Shakespeare because there is such a large part of understanding the narrative that lies within the way the words are strung together. Macbeth is not a good story because of the revenge plot - but people who sparknote it will only see it as a story about revenge. You are losing a lot of information that is important by neutering these kinds of details, and I think the same category of detail lies in the complexity of mechanics present in a challenging game.

The argument to this is, obviously, let people ruin their experience. But that's where I absolutely don't budge. I do not believe anyone is entitled to finishing an experience they are not ready for. There are plenty of games made to cater to you. A game like Uncharted for example frankly is not very mechanically complex. There is not a lot that lowering the difficulty can do to change what that game means, so you can have an adult story there for people who are not very good at games. There are a lot of games like this, but there are a lot that are not, and if you want to enjoy them, you should work up to the ability to get there. And if you can't, tough. Not everything in the world has to be made for you to enjoy.

There is an overall lack of appreciation and understanding for what difficulty is, how it functions, and where its value lies that always cause nonsense debates like this to crop up. That and how games are look at as products for a consumer instead of art from an artist.

Last edited by Frogger - on 12 December 2018