So, i've played about 20+ hours of Ultimate apparently. I've had alot of fun with classic mode, personally I still prefer Melee's but Ultimate's is better if im to be honest, I never thought they'd make a classic mode that was better than Melee's but they somehow pulled it off.
The online is pretty bad though. I sometimes get put into free-for-alls even when i've selected 1 v 1. Majority of the matches have had lag as well and some have been close to unplayable.
As for how it plays, honestly i'm not going to go into detail but I do have quite a few gripes, i'll keep it brief. it's an improvement over Smash 4 but still nowhere close to Melee. Like Smash 4, the game feels a little jank and sometimes I feel I don't have as much control as I want. The dash dancing is pretty bad, I can't really space things well and this is usually when I feel I have no control over where my character will end up, I still do it because it's still fun and somewhat usable but I think they should give more freedom.
The balloon knockback is just as bad I thought it would be and maybe even worse, it's somewhat bearable in 1v1 but anymore then that it gets confusing. When 2 or more players get sent flying they fly off so fast that your left wondering which one was you or if you were even sent flying in the first place. In some of the more chaotic fights their are times where I have legit no clue what is going on. It's infuriating tbh.
Overall though, it's pretty good and fun, at least for now. I might play this along with Melee, depends on if the game remains fun over time and not slowly get on my nerves the more I play it like Brawl and Smash 4 did.