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Why are we giving crap on a Persona character (a rather popular one at that) when we had Snake and Cloud join Smash Bros.? Hell, Cloud was not only on a PS title, FFVII, but the game he came from symbolized the divorce between Nintendo and Square Soft and Square’s commitment to the PlaySation. I’m surprised people didn’t get mad over that compared to this.

And regardless, I have a hard time thinking anyone should be mad about this. I mean, wasn’t Persona 5 one of the most popular games in this gen?

Plus, Nintendo AND Sakurai chose Joker. This isn’t just Sakurai’s choice. Nintendo laid out a pool of characters they wanted Sakurai to choose from. So why did Nintendo decided to add him on their list?

Anyway, I’m pretty stoked about Joker in Smash. My sibling is ecstatic as a Persona fan. This makes the upcoming DLC more unpredictable, which I think adds to the fun.