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This topic is about whether or not a game can be truly perfect. A disclaimer to start things off, I am in no way mocking games that were well recieved. GTA and MGS fans ease up, this topic is not about bashing those games.

In my opinion a game cannot be perfect, as in having no flaws or errors in some way or shape. The perfect game should appeal to anyone, whether they hardly play games or have been a lifelong gamer. Such a game should appeal to all audiences and appease all preferences. It should draw in fans of a story, fans of fast action, tactics, simplicity, puzzles, all types should be covered. And with so much to cover and with many possible contradictions the perfect game seems impossible.

Opinions? Yet again, not an attack on any game that did well but a (hopefully) thoughtful discussion...

flames_of - "I think you're confusing Bush with Chuck Norris."

 Wii: 80-85 Million end of 2009 (1.1.09)