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Shiken said:
dharh said:
Not in my house. Not enough RPGs, For me to consider getting a console, it needs at least 10 good RPGs, and I would expect 20 lifetime.

I assume you are speaking of western RPGs, because as far as JRPGs go, the Switch is becoming a haven for them.  It is dominating japan after all.

See my reply above for my points on Switch though, because that sums up why the Switch is no less a primary than the others.

I mean all kinds.  And, yes including the heavy hitter WRPGs.  The switch is missing key RPGs.  Maybe in 2 years the Switch will have enough exclusive RPGs that it would warrant me to buy one.  I don't like any other Nintendo exclusive game.

As far as the main argument that it _can_ be someones primary console.  Of course I fully agree with that.  I don't think I have ever argued that anyone who prefers a Nintendo console as their primary are wrong.  It is just that since N64, Nintendo has not offered enough for me to have their console as a primary.  I only stopped buying their consoles altogether since Wii U.

Last edited by dharh - on 05 December 2018

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.