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Bofferbrauer2 said:
gergroy said:
Weird thread, I own all three consoles, but really any of them could be viable as a primary gaming device. I mean, my iPhone would be perfectly viable as a primary gaming device. There is an argument for any gaming platform really.

I think the reason for this thread is because Wii/Wii U and initially the Switch were often just considered as a "secondary" console due to lacking so many AAA games. But with the number of AAA releases diminishing every year and them showing them choke-full  with lootboxes and microtransactions, they are not getting missed nearly as much as they did 10 years ago, and some are getting ported anyway.

Not just that but now days the difference between AAA and AA as far as the games go is non existent as all the former has is just a big budget were as before games in that category often stood for high quality now most of them just have higher marketing. AA games in recent years are matching and sometimes outdo AAA game in the final product so what's happening is not just a reduction in the number of releases in the latter but also a reduction in what set them apart.