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WoodenPints said:
I noticed a few people requested a run down on their game list, If you get a chance I'd love to see the list that have as I didn't buy anything third party since Bayonetta release until early September and lost touch with this thread along with games like Mario+Rabbids now been eligible I have quite a lot of games to add after seeing what I have on my list would help a bunch and I can get all caught up and keep it that way this time.. :)                             


Here you go!


User Game P/D/U
WoodenPints Bayonetta Unknown
WoodenPints Bayonetta 2 Digital
WoodenPints Blaster Master Zero Digital
WoodenPints Golf Story Digital
WoodenPints I Am Setsuna Physical
WoodenPints Kamiko Digital
WoodenPints Puyo Puyo Tetris Physical
WoodenPints Shephy Digital
WoodenPints Super Bomberman R Physical
WoodenPints Ultra Street Fighter II Physical