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nidavellir said:
How do you know that someone is Arabic or Hispanic just by seeing her.his name ?

Well if there name is written in Arabic I'm going to assume they are. If there name is say Juan Carlos I'm going to assume they are Hispanic. 

Poliwrathlord said:

LOL! No surprise to me that most of the people who are angry about this are of an Arabic background, but there were a dozen or so Polish and Eastern Europeans that were getting upset as well from what I saw scrolling thorough the comments.

Yeah sorry I forgot to mention there are also plenty from Africa, Eastern Europe and Russia. 

The Fury said:
Football in general sadly. Arsenal just have a bigger world wide fanbase than say, Southampton, so the reaction will be different. This said good on Arsenal leaving the comments there for all to see and not changing their picture.

Yeah they always leave the comments open when they support these movements. Good on them. Don't let these guys win.