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RolStoppable said:

That's a funny post.

First you excuse Nintendo's PR mistake with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with an explanation that also ends up with a wrong number, but said wrong number is deemed okay because it's closer to the real number than the other wrong number. Indeed, numbers aren't biased. But you certainly are, if you draw such a conclusion from those numbers.

Then you go on to talk about people spreading misinformation which is especially rich because it's coming from you, the guy who spent a big chunk of his time on insisting that Switch is on a worse sales trajectory than the 3DS despite getting repeatedly explanations from myself and others that Switch is better off because it didn't need an early price cut to pick up the pace. And now Switch is ahead of the 3DS despite the 3DS adding a revision to its arsenal (3DS XL).

That you close your post by saying that Nintendo has yet to release highly inaccurate or highly imprecise data right after you dismissed two Nintendo statements in your previous paragraph is the cherry on top.

Why blame Nintendo's PR for your own ineptitude in not realizing that they used two different numbers ? The so called "mistake" that you keep touting is nothing more than a mirage you created ... 

Is there any justification to your claim of "wrong number" despite the margin of error being less then 30k and a little bit above 3% ? Your accusation of bias towards me makes no difference when you're the one that's off base trying as much as possible to deviate from the numbers that you don't like ... 

FWIW as far as the past comes, at least I based my thoughts on a real figure which were shipment projections while your scrambling about lost in finding a justification as to why Nintendo's internally collected data for the Switch is somehow "wrong" and you're back to having zero precedent as well ... 

I don't think I need to highlight the irony in how Nintendo data is good enough for you guys to throw the detractors in the mud but somehow the detractors can't use Nintendo against their fans so it's a one way street ... 

I dismissed the two statements because they provided no value in our in depth understanding of the Switch's sales, not because they were inaccurate or imprecise but comprehension issues abound anyways since that's all I've gotten out of you from this thread ...