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@Mike - Nononononononno

Edram wouldn't be a bottleneck it would fit snugly in the render pipeline of the current PS3. The problem with the RSX is that there wasn't enough time put into designing it for the system. Its a great chip, just a little rushed IMO.

Furthermore programable shaders + greater performance fits nicely anywhere - especially with the Cell, considering flexibility is one of the great advantages of the Cell. It just carries that advantage further down the pipeline to the GPU. I certainly wouldn't baulk at the developers being able to do MORE with the system under another hypothetical situation. Furthermore it'd make it easier to program for considering the greater power, flexibility and more modern architecture.

The perfect PS4 IMO? 4 PPU+8 SPE with powerful double precision + tweaks to allow more code to run efficiently on them and downstream from that a direct X 11 GPU with full CUDA support to run single precision physics code and anything else developers dare to throw at them alongside the usual rendering.

A flexible beast from the East that could obliterate (nicely) any code thrown at it and beg for more.
