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curl-6 said:
spurgeonryan said:
A lot of people at my work are asking for Just Dance Wii 2019. Is this real?

It is indeed: 

Kinda surreal that in late 2018 the original Wii is still getting software.

bigtakilla said:

I don't know, backtracking always just feels like backtracking to me. If I gotta explore rooms for a key I need to get somewhere near the beginning of the game it feels just the same as completing a mission, going back to my house and setting out for the mountain the next day. Plus, I feel like seeing all the characters effected by different eras in MOBW gives an extra complex part of the game trying to figure out the timeline of these rituals, being in different times the ritual was carried out so significantly different. I even really liked the 5 nights at Freddy's kind of rip off when the whole team gets together. Not to mention it brings back a certain character which is always something I like in horror games.

It certainly isn't a vast gap in preference, it's more like I like this a tiny bit better, this was a bit more interesting, ect. That said I think the controls are leaps and bound better and more intuitive in MOBW, but obviously my own opinion.

I guess what made Mask of the Lunar Eclipse feel more elegant to me was that the area that most of the game takes place in was less linear, so even if I sometimes had to revisit the same areas, I wasn't taking the same route every time. On the other hand, I lost count of how many times in Maiden of Black Water that I took the primary path up the mountain, sometimes more than once in the same chapter even.

Fair enough, I certainly can't say you don't backtrack a lot because you absolutely do.