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I disagree. Why should you give false hope to a person who is dying? I'm not even saying 99% chance. I'm saying like someone with terminal cancer on his/her last months of life, who gets turned off by the doctors who tell him/her that he/she they've done all they could but theycouldn't do anything anymore, that the person only had X months to live and that's it.

Then the person goes to see a quack, and this quack tells him/her that he/she will get cured if he/she follows the quack's treatment. In reality, everything is false, and worse even, quacks are profiting from a dying person.

I'd like to hear your opinions on this.

Oh, and the meaning of a quack is a person who deceives other people by pretending to be a doctor (for the purpose of the question, only doctor) with little to no medicine knowledge, who decieve the people in order to obtain money.