I played more, and started the perfect pokemon team building. and went deep in game mechanics. And i never thought I would think like this, but i am loving not having wild battles.
Instead, they make you want to catch as many pokemon as possible. Previously, in the other games, I almost never catch more than 1 of each species, never felt interested on that. Now I catch 30 of the same, is yet addictive and fun to do so (the catch combo bonuses help too). Perfect IV/nature pursuit was tedious as hell. Now is fun.
This make important a feature that pokemon go has but the main series do not: the concept of catch them all.
Seems that it will be a lets go exclusive feature, but maybe they could make it optional in the next games: if you dont want to battle, you go strait to the cathing game, if you want, you can. But im totally into having this feeling of catching them all. Also, that helps a lot in building perfect IV pokemon in a funier
Also, candies are much better then EVs. You can plan the perfect pokemon since before the 4th badge, and train it in your journey enjoying the game. In other games, every battle would change your EV distribution, and could ruin your build. Now you give candy you want.
I hope they keep some mechanics of this game in the next main core games