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its not really a secret that Star Fox only appeals to a niche audience. excluding 64 3D, there was a ten year gap between the last Star Fox game and zero, and i there werent many people asking for it. the only way to make Star Fox work would be to completely rewrite the formula entirely, and at that point they would be better off just making a new IP. look at Fire Emblem for example. when Awakening came out, they took a risk that it could fail and they would never take another game if it did. but they got lucky and people loved it, so now it has a huge fanbase and a bright future. but that didnt happen with Star Fox Zero. it was okay but people ultimately didnt like it, and that was after Miyamoto himself poured everything into this game to keep it true to his original vision for Star Fox. so thats it, we should let Star Fox collect dust and forget about it