AngryLittleAlchemist said: I'm sorry, but "The fact you tried quoting only part of one line to skewer context says more about you than anything." is a pretty clear indication of a judgement of character, that's literally what it is, you're not going to change that just by saying it's a "for future reference thing". In my opinion, you should have thought that one out a little bit more, first thinking about whether it was just to shorten a quote, and second thinking about if it was just an accident, because your solution was uncalled for. There's no other way you can really read that, especially with the "skewer context" part, which implies that I was purposefully trying to change your quote to fit my argument. If it was just you mentioning "hey, be careful not to misquote" that would be one thing, that's not all you said. I really can't believe two such trivial words that no one would have cared about lead to this. It seems to me you've been pretty hostile since the beginning honestly ... like since as early as the 2nd reply. Not much to really say here, we'll just leave it at that. Good day. |
Here is the problem here you're going back to a post to argue something that has already been settled as the posts after it clarified I misread your post due to you not putting the full quote in, you responded with an upset post using a partial quote which can easily look like misquoting. I explained already why I called you out on it as it looked like you were misquoting and yes leaving words out does change context so it is called for when someone does it as it's a common tactic by people to misquote someone to discredit their views it happens on these boards all the time even news articles do it for clicks how can you want to debate and not understand that? If you still don't get it then we clearly aren't geared for debating with each other and I ask simply don't reply to me as we have different takes on things and debating is clearly one of them as trust me I don't hide when I'm hostile never have as I'm direct.
Anything further PM me as the thread is being derailed.
Last edited by Wyrdness - on 19 November 2018