AngryLittleAlchemist said: Riled up? I wasn't upset or even emotional at all, merely expressing my opinion. I have to admit I am now though. You know someone can write paragraphs about a topic and not be riled up, right? Especially when they end the conversation saying that it's perfectly fine to think what you want? Christ, now I actually am upset. It sucks when you are writing a well thought out reply wanting a meaningful discussion and then you get a reply that doesn't even respond to anything substantial you mentioned, and then goes on to just act like you're an emotional wreck for taking the time out of your day to write about something you love (video games and the community), on a forum that's literally all about said thing you love. All I was trying to have was a meaningful conversation on why oversimplifications like that are mostly incorrect or false. |
Here is the full quote from my post.
"Too bad most of the contradictions from the Zelda fanbase aren't explained by it "
This was in response to you saying 90% of contradictions are explained but anyone who has followed Zelda for ages has become aware of the Zelda cycle that has been around since OOT where when the new game comes out it's suddenly the worst game in the franchise and the previous suddenly becomes appreciated and often this was driven by a tonne of contradictory arguments. The fact you tried quoting only part of one line to skewer context says more about you than anything.
Your reply comes across more as someone riled over the meme so I addressed you in how it came over, it does not come across as looking for debate or innocent especially as you bemoan the language in the meme which sets a different tone from wanting a debate. Complaining about over simplifications isn't even much of a debatable topic here because Mzu's post was a reference to the long running Zelda Cycle gag that spawned that meme over 10 years ago it's clearly not talking about the people who articulate which is why your reply is so baffling I can only assume you haven't followed the series for as long as others to not get that and the context of the meme in general.
Ironically no offence to the poster but someone just posted an example of what the meme pokes fun at with the WW/SS debate but anyway I got the wrong impression from your post so my bad.