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Wyrdness said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Kind of a dumb image honestly ... 99% of "contradictions" can be explained by this thing called nuance. 


Also a pretty unfunny use of the Asian's talk funny stereotype. 

Too bad most of the contradictions from the Zelda fanbase aren't explained by it which is why it became a meme.


The "Zelda fanbase" is not an institution, it's not a group of people coming together and making a consensus, it's not the College of Twilight Princess Haters. It's just random people, most of who don't even know each other, that just so happen to like the overarching point of a series. 

These kind of points are made all the time, not specifically about the Zelda fanbase. Someone defends a game or series by making an unfunny mis-characterization of why people don't like it to try and make the opposition seem contradictory. And of course, that's really not how it works. People want something, and then it doesn't come to fruition the way they wanted it. They complain. They have the right to. 

I've seen more people articulate why they don't like x Zelda game than I have people who like it explain in-depth why so. That's because people who have an unpopular opinion are given more pressure to not only explain that opinion, but justify it (which is really unfair). If anything the Zelda fanbase is known for having some of the better critiques out there, considering how passionate the fans are, so I don't even really get the point. If every game was as simple as that unfunny "le asian speak" meme was, and people judged games on the most basic conceptual level possible, then you might have a point. 

For what it's worth you're free to think what you want. I'm not even talking about this from a personal perspective, as I don't really have any unpopular or edgy Zelda opinions.