Runa216 said:
mZuzek said:
1. Skyward Sword 2. Breath of the Wild 3. A Link to the Past 4. Majora's Mask 5. Ocarina of Time 6. The Wind Waker 7. Twilight Princess 8. Spirit Tracks 9. A Link Between Worlds 10. Oracle of Seasons 11. Oracle of Ages 12. The Legend of Zelda 13. Phantom Hourglass 14. The Minish Cap 15. Link's Awakening
Haven't beat Zelda 2 but if I did I think it could possibly finish above LA and TMC, maybe even PH.
Edit: I thought about spacing them out to clarify where I think there are bigger gaps between games, but I guess the top 50 will do that well enough.
I actually snorted out loud when I saw that you had Skyward Sword as your #1. That game had potential to be good (I don't mind a linear Zelda game), but the writing was horrible, Fi was the worst thing I've ever seen in a Zelda game, 90% of the story/progression consisted of Fi going 'hey, there's a 70% chance you should go that direction', then you went that direction where she told you what to do next.
Oh, and the motion controls were TERRIBLE. Even when they worked (About 20% of the time), the puzzles were as bad as 'okay swipe in this direction now. Okay, now swipe this over direction.' The rest of the time Link just held his sword out at an awkward angle, forcing me to 'realign' the sync every five minutes. This was even on brand new hardware WiiMotion+ Wiimotes. The writing was not great, either, though Zelda herself was well done.
I know the game got great reviews, but to this day I genuinely have no idea how. Skyward Sword is one of my infamous outliers alongside other terrible games in franchises I otherwise love.
Final Fantasy XIII was a godawful mess but FF is my favorite game series Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee is an abomination even compared to Pokemon Yellow from 20 years ago Assassin's Creed Unity is a bland, uninspired, buggy mess with a stupid companion app that was virtually forced on you Grand Theft Auto IV had the worst driving in the series by far and HEY ROMAN ITS YOUR COUSIN WANT TO GO BOWLING?! Skyward Sword was a broken tech demo for babies. Oblivion was boring, uninspired, stiff, and devoid of creativity while being repetitive and bogged down by nonsense stats. Haven't even played it but Fallout 76 is a goddamn trash heap of a game from what I heard the original Mega Man is gutter trash, especially compared to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Mega Man X7 is so bad I don't even know how to start to describe it.
So yeah, There's a list of games I HATE from franchises I love. Not sure if I can really count Oblivion or Fallout 76 since I really only loved Skyrim/Morrowind and Fallout 4/3/new vegas.
My list of Zelda titles:
1 - A Link to the Past (Nostalgia, mostly) 2 - Breath of the Wild (Just overall awesome) 3 - The Wind Waker (Makes me the happiest) 4 - Twilight Princess (Like OOT but refined) 5 - A Link Between Worlds (Like LTTP but refined) 6 - Four Swords Adventures (Like LTTP but Multiplayer and linear) 7 - Minish Cap (Simple, fun, awesome) 8 - Oracle of Ages/Season (Just a simple, basic game that is fun, plus interconnectivity) 9 - Ocarina of Time (like LTTP but uglier and clunkier with fewer dungeons) 10 - The Legend of Zelda (A bit tough but it holds up) 11 - Majora's Mask (Just didn't appreciate the 3-day cycle mechanic, just as ugly and janky as OOT) 12 - The Adventure of Link (A little buggy but still not bad) 13 - Phantom Hourglass (Would have been okay if it didn't have touch controls or that recurrent core dungeon) 14 - Skyward Sword (Broken, unplayable tech demo for babies)
Haven't played Tri-Force Heroes, Link's Awakening, Spirit Tracks, or any other side game like Hyrule Warriors or Link's Crossbow Training. Keep in mind that the top 7 games on that list are all so beloved that they are on my top 25 of all time list (which actually comprises close to 50 games since some of the entries are ties or compilations)
I love me some Zelda. I hate me some Skyward Sword.