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MikeB said:
NJ5 said:
MikeB said:

(...) The Cell provides more perfomance than ordinary PC CPUs can deliver with regard to gaming (...)


Which ordinary CPUs might those be? Do you also belong to the "MGS4 has better graphics than Crysis" club?



For gaming potential probably all the mainstream x86 CPUs, but then you will bring foward the argument of more expensive and powerful PC graphics cards.

Crysis and MGS4 are two very different games. Art direction is dependent on personal preferences, polish and attention to detail probably the award goes to MGS4, performance demands probably goes to Crysis. I am in the PS3 could handle a very good port of Crysis club.

Compared to PCs the PS3 has technical and practical advantages as well as vice versa.

You're also in the "Xbox360 can't handle a MGS4 port club as well"?

Another thing, the Cell CPU is nothing on its own. Sure you can consider it a "platform advantage". So in saying that, consider the X86 architecture vs  the PS3.

Integer code - PC smacks the PS3 so hard it never gets up again. One punch knockout.

Now we have that settled, lets move to floating point.

The Cell has a huge advantage over the PC CPU in floating point. BUT as a platform the PC wins again, because now that GPGPU is developing the PC can take advantage of the MASSIVE floating point advantage sitting in the GPU for Physics and that same GPU certainly doesn't need a hand from the CPU to do anything else. Other code can easily be handled in integer on the CPU.

Ram? PC wins.

Crysis port - Wow thats a lot of nerve. Its one of the most ram/CPU/GPU intensive games out there and you call it an easy port? I call it your easy delusion.

