mZuzek said:
Yeah but when you left the overworld in those games, they rewarded you with actually interesting areas, dungeons and bosses. |
I have to disagree there. I was not a fan of the tiny areas and the dungeons/bosses were only okay in terms of puzzle and combat design. The inability to explore and discover because of those tiny, disjointed areas was a major letdown and the ugly art style didn't help.
mZuzek said: Also, saying it has "the most heart and soul" is as subjective as subjective gets. Personally I'd say every console Zelda game, except Twilight Princess, has a lot of heart and soul. |
I'd disagree here. TP had a great amount of strange creativity injected into it. Despite the mechanics being mostly OoT, the tone and characters felt similar to MM imo. Midna alone had more heart and soul than all of the other companions put together.
S.Peelman said: Nah The Wind Waker is the weakest 3D Zelda title. Now, being a Zelda title does mean it's still better than most other things, it's still a good game. But, it just doesn't hold up against the others as far as the dungeons, bosses and the world is concerned. I do agree it's music is one of the best in the series overall including everything (I'd say Top 3 at least, together with Majora's Mask), and it graphical style, and the art direction that comes with it, is perfect for the tone the game want's to convey. |
Really? I'd consider Skyward Sword the weakest 3D. It's the only Zelda game I never finished. I just got bored of it halfway through.