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The world is amazing. The details make all difference. Same places and map, but the vision angle make we change the perspective of some areas. Really well done in the presentation.
Some slowdowns, but common, is not an action game, it do not make difference in the gameplay. The only bad part about the gameplay is the catch motion controls on dock. But I play only on HH, so, no problems.
It is a little slow paced, not only on walking, but includes (still not got a mount or bike in game, though).
The surprise factor of the random encounter changed to the surprise factor of the new pokemon appearing in the side of the screen. So, we can ditch random encounters forever. After getting surprised for finding a pokemon on your screen, you try to get to the pokemon, while avoiding the others. That adds the dimension that you have to get to the pokemon, chase it. seems a far better system, and more of what pokemon should be. The best feature in the game.