Either way as this series goes I find it remarkable that 33 years on it still drives differing views and tastes with its constant experimenting with its template.
LOZ - Open world adventure and open ended.
AOL - RPG elements introduced.
ALTTP - More story driven and structured.
LA - Different story approach.
OOT - Brought everything from ALTTP and LA but executed in a full 3D world
MM - More focused side quests and new mechanics.
WW - Reactive animated world and npcs to feel more alive.
TP - Odd one as it didn't change the template in any way other than horse back combat but had an impact on approach as it made the companion character more central to the game.
SS - Probably the most impactful implemented mc, made the game more about the adventure type instead of dungeons, added elements to the series like upgrading, crafting etc...
BOTW - Evolution of LOZ utilizing everything from before in an open seamless world but now adding sandbox elements and full absolute freedom.