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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Vini256 said:

Wind Waker is good but it's still my second-to-last least favorite 3D Zelda. The artstyle is by far the best thing about it, and the Wii U version looked gorgeous, but when talking about the actual game, it really isn't as good as the other Zelda games. The dungeons specifically were pretty weak imo (Wind Temple is the only one I remember fondly), and the big and empty overworld got tiring after a while. The amazing music is honestly what saved the sailing for me.

I actually really wonder where I would rank it had it not been rushed, it had the potential to be "Top 3 Zelda games" tier to me, especially if they implemented the real-time aging that looked really cool.

da wat????

Welp, time to go watch Beta 64

Well, apparently Link was supposed to grow up during the game, according to this concept art. I'm not 100% sure if it was supposed to be real-time, but it does seem like they wanted to approach it in a more natural way than in OoT's time skip.

Could you imagine if Link got a little bit older every time you finished a dungeon and by the end of the game you have Adult Link facing Ganondorf? That would've been so cool...