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Friday news, part two:

Ex-Blizzard and Gazillion devs are making a Hearthstone competitor
Mythgard is a collectible card game from Rhino Games, a studio made up of former Blizzard and Gazillion developers. It’s set in a world reminiscent of Shadowrun, where magic and mythical beings rub shoulders with ordinary folks living in modern cities. It’s got a punky, urban fantasy vibe with card battles that are meant to combine the pace of Hearthstone with the tactical complexity of Magic.

Hunt: Showdown's new map is live
Lawson Delta, the new Hunt: Showdown map that Crytek teased in October, is now live as part of the 3.0 beta update. The map is built around a prison, a fort, and a train station, and is designed to give players a better sense of location and direction than the previous map.

Fallout 76 players launch nuke and unleash massive Scorchbeast Queen
Thanks to a couple weeks of beta playtime, lots of Fallout 76 players are already high-level and decoding nuke launch codes just a day after the game officially arrived. And not only did one team manage to launch a nuke, but they aimed it at a fissure site, which are areas of Fallout 76's map where you'll typically encounter scorchbeasts. Dropping a nuke on a fissure site, as these players discovered, will create not just a huge explosion but a timed event called Scorched Earth that centers around a Scorchbeast Queen.

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine: Fireside Chats is a free 'standalone experience'
The story of Where the Water Tastes Like Wine is an interesting one. Some game sites rated it very highly, while others—including ours—were much cooler on it. Some of the tales it tells "are beautiful, and they're all important," we wrote in our review, but they're told "at an agonizingly slow pace" that brings the entire experience down. And in any event, it was a sales disaster.
Despite all that, publisher Good Shepherd Entertainment isn't letting it go quietly. Today it released a free, standalone "companion" to the game called Where the Water Tastes Like Wine: Fireside Chats, which adds new story content to all of the tales told in the 16 chapters of the core game.

Blizzard isn't going to delete Brigitte from Overwatch, but she is being nerfed
If you've been paying any attention to the competitive Overwatch scene over the last few months, you've probably heard the cries for Blizzard to "Delete Brig."
Of course, Blizzard is not going to delete a character from the roster wholesale. But it has trickled out a pile of nerfs over the last few months. First the armor from her ult was dialed back, then her cooldowns were increased. But these didn't stop her from being a dominant force both in pro play and on the competitive ladder.

Destiny 2: Black Armory goes live on December 4
Bungie announced today that the Season of the Outlaw, the spaghetti western-inspired first season of Destiny 2: Forsaken, will come to an end of November 27. That date will also mark the beginning of the Season of the Forge, which will see the return of heavy machine guns. And one week after that, on December 4, the first of three expansions included in the Destiny 2: Forsaken annual pass will go live: the Black Armory.

Watch the Golden Joystick Awards 2018 here
The Golden Joystick Awards are imminent, kicking off this afternoon at 4.00pm GMT/8.00am PST/11.00am EST. Voting is over, so now all that remains is to wait and, if you’re at the awards themselves, indulge in some respectable afternoon drinking. You can watch the entire thing below.

Fight undead robots in Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus, out now
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus launched on Steam yesterday evening, and while a Warhammer game launching would normally be just another Thursday, Mechanicus is a bit of a novelty. Instead of being full of great big Space Marines and the things Space Marines fight, typically Orks and Chaos, it’s all about the much more enigmatic Adeptus Mechanicus and their complicated relationship with technology, both alien and ancient. And tactical battles. Lots of tactical battles.

Play Rising Storm 2: Vietnam for free this weekend
Everyone relaxes in their own way. For many of us, it means squeezing in a few hours of quality gaming time. FPS fans who are bored of their current Steam library should give Rising Storm 2: Vietnam a try this week. It’s free to play from Thursday, November 15 at 1PM EDT, until Wednesday, November 21st at 1PM. EDT. and if you enjoy it (many of you will), you can snag the base game for 67% off and its DLCs for 50% off.


Time to check the rest of the GOG and Steam deals for this weekend:




And that's all for this week. Have a happy and gaming weekend.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.