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The news, part two:

Beholder 2, the grim game of state surveillance, comes out on December 4
Government surveillance sim Beholder is "one of the darkest games I've played in some time," said Andy (the other one) after playing it in late 2016. But in a good way: "It’s not often that games make me feel genuinely unsettled, and that alone made Beholder worth playing." A sequel was announced at the tail end of 2017, and publisher Alawar Premium revealed today that it will be released on December 4.

Blizzard's cruelty knows no bounds as it continues shaming one of Hearthstone's worst cards
Yesterday, an especially icy Blizzard revealed a new card from Hearthstone's upcoming Rastakhan’s Rumble expansion: Belligerent Gnome, a 2-mana Taunt minion with 1 attack, 4 health, and +1 to attack if your opponent has two or more minions on the board.

After some uncertainty, Telltale Games is closing for good
The end has come for Telltale Games, which is now in the process of winding down completely. A representative of consulting firm Sherwood Partners told that it is handling the company's liquidation, while a former employee said that company's legally-mandated COBRA health insurance will come to an end on November 30.

See an explosive castle siege in action in this exclusive Conqueror's Blade trailer
Castle siege-heavy medieval MMO is just coming off the back of a server stress test, and in the exclusive trailer above, you can see its large-scale competitive castle sieges in action.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.