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Wednesday news, part two:

You can now purchase Fallout 76 Atoms with real money, and here's what it costs
Fallout 76 has arrived, and with it the Atomic Shop, where players can spend Atoms. Atoms are Fallout 76's microtransaction currency, earned by playing the game and completing challenges.
But you can also buy Atoms with real world cash, available for purchase in four different amounts. When you buy an amount over 500, you get a bonus of additional Atoms. Here's how much Atoms cost in real world money, and here's what you can spend it on in the Atomic Shop.

Warframe players are putting hours into hoarding in-game plushies
The conservation game added in the Warframe: Fortuna update last week yields adorable virtual plushies called Floofs that you can put in your Orbiter craft. Unsurprisingly, some players have gone all-in on earning as many teddy bears as they can.

Nuketown comes to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Nuketown is coming to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, in keeping with the tradition of every game in this corner of the series paying homage to the extremely popular map. Blops 4 has put its own spin on it, of course, which you can take a gander at above.

Draugen is a striking Nordic mystery with an unreliable narrator
Dreamfall Chapters developer Red Thread Games has revealed its latest project today. Draugen is a first-person ‘Fjord Noir’ mystery, set in a striking Norwegian coastal community during the 1920s. Slap your eyes on the accompanying teaser trailer. It’s enigmatic, but gosh is it pretty.

First details for Rainbow Six Siege's next two operators revealed
The first of Rainbow Six Siege's new Moroccan operators has been revealed as Jalal "Kaid" El Fassi, a Defender whose natural leadership skills led to a quick rise through the ranks of the Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie. When it came time to name a new commander of the Kasbah Sehkra Mania, the imposing fortress that serves as a training space for the country's special forces, he was a natural choice.

Valve updates Artifact FAQ with new launch details
(...) I would say Valve has a tricky job to do explaining the game to the huddled masses who are used to fighting on a single board. To help that process, over the weekend Valve updated its FAQ page with more information on Artifact's launch and beyond. I'm unclear exactly which sections were added, but we do now know what the $19.99 pre-order will get you: 10 booster packs, 5 event tickets (which grant access to 'Gauntlets' that you'd otherwise need to pay for because they grant prizes), and two starter decks: Red/Green 'Brawler' and Blue/Black 'Control'.

The Game Awards 2018 nominations have been announced
The nominations for The Game Awards 2018 have been announced, with two blockbuster games leading the way with eight nominations each: God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2. Neither are available on PC, though, so it's hard to be too excited for them.
>> shikamaru317 made a thread about this yesterday.

Battle Princess Madelyn, which was co-designed by a 7-year-old, will be out soon
Battle Princess Madelyn is a pixel-art platformer being created by a seven-year-old girl, Madelyn Obritsch, with able assistance from her father Christopher and his cohorts at indie studio Causal Bit Games. It's the result of a very successful 2017 Kickstarter campaign, which emerged from a conversation between the two about who can and can't be a videogame hero, and today they announced that it will be available on Steam on December 6.

Overwatch's new hero Ashe and her best buddy B.O.B. are now live
Overwatch patch 1.30—the one with Ashe—is now live, meaning that the new, white-haired gunslinger is off the PTR and playable by everyone. That is the good news—the bad news is that this is the major update that Blizzard warned last week will require a full reinstallation of the game. Because of that, Blizzard shared some tips in the Overwatch forums to help ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Fortnite's glider redeploy mechanic is being removed from default game modes
In the Fortnitemares v6.20 update, Epic enabled glider redeployment in all Fortnite game modes, meaning players could pull out their glider at any time so long as they were three units or higher. What was meant to be a week-long test has extended into two, with players both fuming over and celebrating the massive buff to mobility.
But today Epic stated that it's rolling back the glider redeployment change in tomorrow's v6.30 update, restricting it to big team game modes where it was first conceived.

November is absolutely packed with cool Monster Hunter: World events
Capcom does not want you, or I, or anyone else to stop hunting monsters for one damn second. On November 16, it's launching Monster Hunter: World's special crossover event with Devil May Cry, which will last for two weeks and includes a number of special items, including a Dante-themed sword and armor set. At the same time, Capcom's also going to be running another event, with a new Elder Dragon to fight: Lunastra. Both events come hot on the heels of the Halloween Harvest update, which had its own bevy of special armor and weapons, and a special 16-player raid against one of the game's biggest monsters, Kulve Taroth, which is actually still ongoing.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey gets a new mythical boss monster

The above tweet announced the arrival of a new mythical boss fight in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. If you take the Lightning Bringer quest today you'll get to meet and then slaughter a hulking cyclops called Steropes. He's on Andros in a cave by his favourite pool, Steropes bay.

Get extra cash for import/export sell missions in GTA Online, and save on this rad flying car
The flying Imponte Deluxo is by far the best vehicle I own in GTA Online—unless you count the ludicrous ultralight glider in my hangar—and this week it's discounted by 25 percent, along with some of the game's other novelty vehicles. In addition, this week you can get 50 percent bonus GTA money for completing import/export sell missions.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.