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HoloDust said:
JEMC said:

Microsoft has acquired Obsidian Entertainment and inXile Entertainment
And it appears that the rumours were true after all. Microsoft has just announced that it has acquired both Obsidian Entertainment and inXile Entertainment. These two PC studios are now part of Microsoft’s first party studios so it will be interesting to see what games they’ll be developing for Microsoft’s platforms.
>> I get the acquisition of Obsidian, but inXile? Their games are smaller than what MSoft usually does.

inXile is Brian Fargo's company, founder of Interplay and creator of (among others) Wasteland and Fallout. Obsidian was made by ex Black Isle's guys, which was part of Interplay. MS now pretty much has old Interplay in their hands - the same Interplay that couldn't get Wasteland license back from EA, so they created Fallout.

My guess is, now that they, at least in theory, have access to crapload of money, they will either make Wasteland an AAA IP, or create new AAA RPG IP. Potentially, MS will get them D&D license, and there will be AAA D&D after so many years.

As much as I was against Obsidian going to MS, this just got really interesting - there's no place like combined Obsidian/inXile with so many people credited for so many cult classic RPGs.

Ok, thanks for that info. Now the purchase of both studios makes more sense. The only unknown now is if both studios will manage to work well together.

By the way, that hypothetical AAA Wasteland you mention will have to wait, because they're now working on Wasteland 3 and I doubt MSoft will start this new era cancelling that game.

Please excuse my bad English.

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