curl-6 said:
The point is that you get a high vantage point from which to spot and mark out landmarks like shrines and camps and stables for future reference, instead of the Ubisoft approach where climbing a tower just fills in all the landmarks on the map for you. The towers also give a greater sense of progression than just buying maps as they give you a goal you can see from afar to strive for and conquer. |
Yeah, they are definitely better than Ubi crap - although they are directly influenced by them.
You can get vantage point from anywhere high enough, you don't really need towers for that...IMO, towers in BotW are just forcing you to go to them for map, since there's no way acquiring them any other way.
I like map buying (preferably of different qualities, thus different prices) + compass approach the most (like in some older games) - they don't even show you where you are on the map, you actually need to take in your surroundings and learn landmarks...but I guess that would be just a bit too much for mass market game in this day and age.