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BengaBenga said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
BengaBenga said:


Let's say Zack & Wiki is the ultimate example of failing 3rd party sales.
It sold 380.000 units according to VGC.
Here are some PS3 games that sold less than Z&W. According to your analysis the Wii might be a failure, but then you must aldo consider the PS3 a failure for 3rd parties.


 But people aren't saying that Zack and Wiki is the ultimate example. People are saying that even with double the userbase, Wii has still sold less 3rd party software than Ps3 in 2008.

It isn't like 3rd parties are taking a bigger share against Nintendo, as a matter of fact, this year it is lower than it was this time last year. Their sales are increasing, but not majorly.

The Wii isn't seeing what the DS saw. 3rd parties aren't taking a bigger and bigger share of the sales.

Sure, those games you listed sold less than Zack & Wiki, but 35 games also sold more. Many of the games you listed are also multiplats, so selling that much on Ps3 isn't horrid, as X360 stands for as much or more sales, meaning that it sold around or more than 100% more.


PS: Don't criticize the OP for making this thread. He looks at it in a different way than earlier posted. If you have new facts or beliefs that are important, making a new thread should be accepted.

Either way, even if it was stupid to make it, he has heard it now, no need to rub it in.

Duh, there was a game called GTAIV remember?

BTW there are just as many 3rd party million sellers on Wii as on PS3. Sure there's a different in userbase, but Wii comes with a free game and Nintendo has so far made the best games for the system. And 3rd party publishers don't care about attach rates, they care about sales.

Your statement that Wii isn't seeing DS support is very premature. 3rd party announcement are increasing in number as in quality. Fatal Frame, Tenchu, Fragile, Oboro Muramasa etc etc.

I'm not saying that this thread is stupid or even that the opinion is stupid. The reason I posted the PS3 list is to show that it wouldn't hurt to tell the whole story, instead of always cherry picking the Wii's 3rd party software sales.



 First, sorry, I wrote a bit bad. The PS has nothing to do with you.

Secondly, even though GTA IV was launched, Ps3 is likely to always have at least 1 huge 3rd party seller each half year. Maybe not as big as GTA, but still.

January through May 2008, Wii sold 17.6M 3rd party software, Ps3 sold 18.5M software. That's higher sales wise, not only AR wise. My point including the userbase difference was to mark the problem, but really, there was no need for me to add it.

You may say that GTA IV launched, but M&S, which isn't really a 3rd party game (still counted though) has sold more than the Ps3 version (by far through May only).

The fact that you are seeing higher quality titles won't neccessarily mean more sales, and even the quality of those titles, are to be frank, not that high.

You can list that Ps3 has 70 titles that has sold less than 400K. That's cherry picking as hell. Many of those titles are low quality titles, that are also multiplat.

If you want an ultimate proof of a hardcore failure on Wii, try this:

There are over 200 games on Wii that sold less than 400K. There are 50 that sold more. On Ps3 the situation is drastically better, therefore, listing what you did just seems odd to me.

For the fact, 40 have sold more and 120 less on Ps3, not as much better as I thought, but still makes your list a bit odd.

Anyway, sorry for a bit bad writing making it appear I was criticicing you.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS