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I not sure, but it has definitely been some time since it had a price cut, and i don't see it getting price cut anytime soon.

My reason for this is that Sony has finally picked up the PS3 in sales and it is now competing with the 360 in sales. Also, PS3 has a much better line up of games this year. MGS4 has already boosted the PS3s sales everywhere, and Final fantasy 13 is going to sell many systems, especially in Japan. There are also other potential system sellers as well coming soon.

My other reason is that the PS3 Has already lost Sony millions and millions of dollars. If they make another price cut it will only lose them more money. When they where first selling the PS3 at launch, they were already selling at a loss.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison