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If they sold an edition of Rock Band 2 which allowed the user to form his/her own setlist?


The disc would have a code in it to allow a certain amount of credits which would be used to "purchase" songs off XBL of PSN or Wii's Network... You would have a selection of songs for each tier and would be allowed to pick a certain amount...It would let people get the songs they like and I think it would be a cool idea. If you don't have an internet connection of course there would be a retail version which had a designated list, this would be more of like a Special Edition pack...

Just a thought of something that would be cool (not sure if this is the right section for it, but I thought it could be)


What do you all think? And do you think it is a possibility in the future?

If perferring the PS3 over the 360 makes me a fanboy.. I guess I am guilty..

List of 360 Games I would like to have: Alan Wake

List of PS3 Games I would like to have: LBP, FFXIII(if it ever comes), R2(maybe)

List of Wii Games I would like to have: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (It's not an exclusive but it would be awesome)