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Obama didn’t unite the country either. If you want to go by support and polls then the last time the country was completely United was after 9/11 to disasterous results which allowed globalist neocons to pass everything they needed with near total bipartisan support. Let’s not pretend that uniting the country is a simple task nor what actually matters. There are long term problems that Trump is trying to solve and he absolutely wants a legacy that is positive. The people on MSNBC and 50 cent celebrities that think he ran to lose for attention are absurd. He wants to win and wants golden statues. Trump understands his reactions are devisive, but he believes they will unite in the end. You can disagree, but that is his strategy. Throughout history this sort of lawless immigration and changes in demographics...multiculturalism if you will has failed and destroyed nations leaving the average person poorer and often led to wars. Trump does not want a civil war or to be assassinated, but he certainly isn’t trying to appease a center which is actually neocons and neolibs that are fundamentally about replacing Americans with willing slaves.