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quickrick said:
Miyamotoo said:

Quite different situation, 3DS need price cut because it didnt sell well, same goes for GameCube. Switch is selling very well and Nintendo has a quite a profit with current price point, so even if they miss target for 2-3m maybe they want make price cut.

Maybe Nintendo will have BF deals, something like Switch bundle with game for $300, people dont need to expect more than that.


Luckily we have comparison for second full year and Switch and PS4 are still doing very similar.

ps4 is out shipping it by nearly a million so far, correct me im wrong.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Nothing wrong with misunderstanding something. As long as we admit we're wrong and move on. 

You've schooled me once before (although in my defense, that was about very vague and nearly misleading wording from a complex financial document). I admitted it to you. You'll always have that on me. 

Anyways, back to the main topic. You're right there were advantages for Switch in it's first year. There never won't be. Best we can do is continue to passionately analyze the data and make educated guesses based on that. I'm looking forward to 2019. 

True. I'm 3 for 3 on my bets so far, but i feel 50/50 on switch doing less then 5.2 bet on npd.

You truly want to be right :P.