quickrick said: ps4 domination, and switch losing momentum, xbox is just bad. |
Yeah, 16% less for same month last year is not only losing momentum, but its failing of a cliff. :D
quickrick said:
yea, so? it's still losing momentum, and reports are october is looking very weak for hardware sales based on insider info. |
No one said that hardware sales in October are very weak, you just pushing your usual agenda.
quickrick said:
sales are down 16% this month compared to last year September, and with reports of october looking weak it's fair to say it's losing momentum. |
One month is with 16% is loosing momentum!?
This numbers (down) clearly show that Switch is not loosing momentum, actual sales for Switch were very stable hole year, and we again talking about sales without system seller games for hole year, and two biggest Switch games of year yet need to be launched.
January-September total sales:
PS4: ~2708K (+9%)
NSW: ~2245K (-3%)
XB1: ~1868K (+32%)
quickrick said:
it will do the same numbers from last year imo in the holidays, reports from insiders is pokemon hype is weak. |
Pokemon Lets Go target more casual gamers and kids, that kind of game dont make hype and preorders among their targeted audince like other usual games.
Also interesting you only reported that Pokemon hype is weak, while you didn't mention that Smash Bros Ultimate hype is incredible strong. ;)