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pokoko said:
Faelco said:

One thing that I forgot... Most Japanese women are a complete bore on dates. No opinions, no discussions, nothing. "Be cute and shut up" seems to be their education.

And from what some of them told me, Japanese guys can be complete assh*les thinking that women are objects. Example : a guy who arrives 45 minutes late at the first date without warning and explains that he didn't see the time because he was playing video games (and the girl waited), and then during the date explains while laughing how his friends like to make girls drink a lot to rape them. The girl left at that time (and told me that when she were on a date together). Other girls told me that they didn't want to date Japanese guys anymore. And some women have no success with men because they look independant and talk back easily (that's what some guys told me). So "women are cute objects, men are the assh*les in power" seems to be usual mindset. No wonder dating is not popular...

I had a Japanese friend tell me to never, ever date a Japanese woman.  According to him, most have little interest in romance, they're just looking for someone to support them so they can stop working and for someone who will increase their status.

I'm not saying that's true but it does seem to be common sentiment.

I'm sure that's true but that statement applies to most women on this planet, not just Japanese women. Marriage/relations were always about business.

Let me quote BRIFFAULT’S LAW:

The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.