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To Explain:
FOR REVENUE, the total is $12,877 which is APPROX. the same as the reported number of $12,842.

PS2 - $109 per unit
PSP - $135 per unit
PS3 - $450 per unit
--let me know if anybody has a more "accurate" number. Again, this is an average for the whole year.

PS2 - $20 per unit
PSP - $20 per unit
PS3 - $20 per unit
--I assumed that Sony gets $20 per software title on average. Let me know if you have numbers that are different for PS2, PSP and PS3.

However, if you change the numbers around - the TOTAL REVENUE should still be around the same number as the reported number.

That REVENUE PER UNIT is the only number we can change. All other numbers are from SONY itself.