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RolStoppable said:
thismeintiel said:

So you defend this with whataboutism?  I could have sworn the Left was done with whataboutism.  At least they seemed to have a problem when the Trump supporters used it.

The reason this is worth discussing is that not only are the Dems supposed to be the party of the minority, where this woman lied for decades about her heritage to advance in life, but it also shows the ridiculous double standards Dems have for themselves versus the rest of the world.  I mean, just in the past few months we had the Kavanaugh "guilty before proven innocent" from an accusation of 36 years ago, with absolutely no proof, while at the same time the 2nd in command of the DNC was being accused of assault from just 2 years ago, with the woman claiming to actually have proof.  Of course, they defend their guy, instead of adopting the standard they want for everyone else, just kick them out.  Now, we have the Left calling racism left and right, talking about how bad cultural appropriation is, but are now defending a woman who actually did cultural appropriate.  And not because she thought a Eastern dress looked cool, so she wore it, but to actually get positions as a "person of color."

I am not defending it. I thought my post was as clear of an attack against the USA's way of doing politics as it can come.

The most entertaining thing about American politics is that they have effectively a two-party-system and its supporters keep accusing the other side of hypocrisy and double standards, seemingly oblivious to how omnipresent hypocrisy and double standards are among both parties.

Fucking nailed it. I mean honestly what can any Republican/conservative really say about any Democrat or liberal... look at the complete ass clown we have in office lol. It’s a never ending cycle of bias and nonsense where each side is too busy mud slinging and dirt digging and sabotaging the other side to ever make any actual progress.

Im not a fan of Warren but for all we know her parents told her she had NA ancestry and she took their word for it. Happens all the time.