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Monday news, part two:

SOS, the battle royale you can win with your voice, is closing in November
SOS looked like an interesting twist on the battle royale genre when it appeared last year. Instead of just shooting at each other, players were also encouraged to interact with the audience, which could throw support to its favorites if sufficiently entertained. Evan found it quite promising in his December preview, calling his relic-hunting partnership with a "convincing, quirky" Christopher Walken roleplayer "one of my gaming highlights of the year."
But that positive early impression wasn't enough to attract a mass audience, and developer Outpost Games announced today that the game will go offline on November 12.

PUBG hotfix helps correct matchmaking issues, full update coming next week
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds update 22 brought with it some big changes, including (finally) a ranking system, a re-enabled map selection option, and faster queue times. It also introduced a problem with matchmaking that resulted in players being slotted into matches in inappropriate regions.
>>That means this week, of course.

John Carmack and ZeniMax settle their $22.5 million beef
The legal dispute between John Carmack and ZeniMax that began when Carmack sued the company in March 2017 has come to an end. Carmack said on Twitter yesterday that Zenimax "has fully satisfied their obligations" related to its acquisition of id Software in 2009, and each party has withdrawn its claims against the other.

Bethesda reveals full Fallout 76 map
Ahead of the Fallout 76 beta, which is due to start later this month, Bethesda has revealed the game's full, massive map, which it claims will be four times the size of Fallout 4's.

Fortnite guided missiles temporarily removed after players report permanent invisibility glitch
Fortnite's guided missiles have proved somewhat problematic since they were added back in March. Initially, they were too powerful, and Epic Games removed them for a full three months before reinstating them—only for players to discover that a missile's turning speed was linked directly to the game's framerate. Yesterday, Epic again had to remove them for repairs, seemingly because players found a bug that let you turn permanently invisible if you combined guided missiles with Shadow Stones.
>>And a dataminer has unveiled new game modes for tournaments.

Black Ops 4 emotes let you see around corners, Treyarch plans to tackle the problem
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 came out yesterday (you can check out Steven's review in progress here), and players are already finding ways to manipulate the game's systems to gain an advantage over other players. Specifically, if you use a third-person emote, the camera will pull back and rotate at will, allowing you to peek around corners. It could prove especially useful in the battle royale Blackout mode, letting you see far-off players while hiding behind a tree.

Quake Champions adds Slipgate mode and a new champion, Athena
Quake Champions has added a new game mode called Slipgate, an ultra-mobile Quake 2-inspired champion called Athena, and an Arcade, which will host matches with wacky rule sets that rotate every week.

Crusader Kings 2's Holy Fury DLC release date announced
Crusader Kings 2's Pagan-themed Holy Fury DLC will be out on November 13, Paradox has announced.
The expansion, first revealed back in May, is beefier than past DLCs, and covers a range of systems. The biggest changes are reserved for Paganism: Pagan leaders that don't convert can instead reform their religion, leading it down a path of either destruction and war or peace and tranquility.

Play RTS Halo Wars for free next weekend
Halo RTS spin-off Halo Wars is having a free weekend on Steam that will start next Thursday and run until Sunday. It'll be worth jumping on: it's a solid RTS with a decent campaign that you'll enjoy even if you're not a fan of the Halo series. A weekend should give you more than enough time to get a feel for it and decide whether to buy it—or, you could just blast through the story in a couple of days and then leave it alone if you're not fussed about the multiplayer.
It's the Definitive Edition, which arrived on Steam last year, that will be free from October 18-21, according to Gamespot.
>>I'll have to remember that.

Watch it all burn in For Honor's Marching Fire expansion
Ubisoft's history-mocking multiplayer fighting game For Honor is about to receive an expansion called Marching Fire and you can watch a slick new trailer for it above.

Watch a documentary about the new Leisure Suit Larry and see if it gets your hopes up
German studio CrazyBunch have taken on the task of modernizing Leisure Suit Larry by literally bringing him into the present day in their game Wet Dreams Don't Dry, which yanks Larry from the 1980s and deposits him in 2018. A three-part documentary about the making of the new point-and-click adventure has just been finished, so you can watch the development team discuss the challenges they faced, their decision to give Larry a smaller head so he doesn't look quite so much like a gnome, and designing a puzzle around second-hand dildos.

EA confirm remasters of classic Command & Conquer games won't have microtransactions
Electronic Arts producer Jim Vessella has been answering questions on Reddit regarding the Command & Conquer remasters they recently teased. There's not a lot of information in the thread, but then this is a project that's probably a couple of years away and still in the planning stages. However, in response to one question Vessella confirmed that "We will not be adding any microtransactions to a C&C Remaster."
>>That's a relief.

Star Citizen raises more than $1 million in four days following alpha 3.3 test release
Star Citizen may not have a release date, but fans are still throwing money at it. In the four days after developer Cloud Imperium Games pushed alpha 3.3 to public test servers, marking the start of fan convention CitizenCon, it raised more than $1 million, which is nearly as much as it pulls in during some entire months.
>>That's worth a psychological study.

Minecraft 'Cat Contest' wants to put your own pet feline in the game
As we know, Minecraft is getting pandas, crossbows, and more. And by more, we might actually mean your own pet cat. Yes, really. Submissions for Minecraft's 'Cat Contest' are live now through November 12, 2018.
Entering your cat for consideration is pretty straightforward, says Mojang, whereby pixel artist Jasper Boestra will ultimately bring your furry friend to life in-game.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.