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Wyrdness said:
HoloDust said:

All I see here mount to poor excuses to justify those mechanisms not working as if they were properly implemented in the first place, instead of being limited to certain objects and certain scenarios. And that's my very point - all those mechanisms are not properly implemented.

- Trees should burn - all trees, not just preset objects
- Lighting does not behave like that at all - it's one of, if not the most stupid thing in BotW
- Yes, you can chop and bomb certain towers...that are on trees...yet first thing you encounter, Bokoblin towers, are apparently made of Vibranium and phased, so axes and other weapons go through them
- Leaf and Magnesis defy action-reaction in one type of scenario, and in others they don't? Oh dear, really great mechanism. I call that poor implementation.

BotW is not physics based game, only certain things in its world are allowed with little physics that it has in it, and other things even don't behave as they should behave. That is, again, what I call poor implementation. For some they might be amusing, for me they are cheap thrills that cannot replace all the things that BotW is lacking in.

Bethesda indeed went full retard, at least when it comes to dumbing down TES. On the business side, they are very smart and know that money is in mass-market. And proper CRPGs are not mass market genre.

All i see is a poor argument that attempts to nitpick.

- Trees give a certain resource the player could require at any time so making them not burn is obviously for player convenience.
- Lightning in BOTW is not meant to behave like in the real world you have no argument here.
- Yeah and? Again no real point here.
- I call this point reaching for the hills because the game isn't trying to be 100% like real life you're complaining about magical items doing magic things for god sake.

BOTW is a physics based game it's has physics implemented in its design for players to play around with want to know how hard you're trying to reach with this argument it's the one game with the most interaction with physics and open world to the point your argument hinges on not comparing it to another game but to real world physics, a game that is sci-fi fantasy and the complaint is well in the real world blah blah that flat out says it all, do you complain that in Star Wars the Force defies real world law as well?

No Bethesda simply utilized a system that was more practical not that debacle.

That is not nitpicking, and all you're doing is trying to dodge my arguments.

- Who gives a fuck if trees are resource? If you want physics based game, you can't protect at random certain objects just because it's convenient.
- Oh, why is lightning not supposed to behave like that? Is it perhaps..."magical"?
- Yeah, real point there. Again one of the cases of special objects being protected from physics, cause someone designing it didn't think it through well enough.
- If you going to have Magnesis defying action-reaction, then it should defy it always. You shouldn't need to have object in between for it to work - that's just piss poor implementation.

If you building a game that has physics in it, you better pay attention to inconsistencies in that very same physics - and BotW is full of it. Otherwise, all I'm hearing is lalala, but it's fun.

Later changes to TES games has nothing to do with practicality, they changed them cause mass market couldn't be hassled with core RPG mechanisms...and Bethesda needs to sell shitload of copies to little Johny CoD. Process usually referred to as dumbing down.