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All the “MAGA” maniacs who love Kanye West now probably don’t listen to his music at all. I’m a huge hip-hop fan but have never been a huge Kanye fan. But his verse on the new Nas album would probably piss off all the MAGA folks who now love him. When he’s addressing police shootings of black kids and a certain “fake news” channel that always makes excuses for the occurrences.

Ultimately though, blacks must remember that we are not beholden to Democrats. We don’t all have to vote liberal and all don’t have to be liberals. I don’t care if Kanye wants to vote Republican because he’s far from being the only black Republican (even though he seems to think he is). However, shitting on black folks and saying we have a “slave’s mentality” is what I take issue with. For some reason right-wing blacks always seem to have to demean liberal blacks to get their point across. Liberal blacks do this to conservative blacks as well (maybe more but not at such a level).

Finally, this seems to be one big attention grab for Kanye. He’s not moving in such a way that seems genuine. He’s hamming it up and being over the top which makes it seem like a performance. He almost seems like he wants it to be a joke but he doesn’t realize he’s the punchline.


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!