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TheMisterManGuy said:
Rafie said:
The complaints ARE relevant. There are some Switch owners, like myself, who only has one set of Joy-cons and a Pro controller. Another thing about the Pro controller is that it fits my hands perfectly. It's why I prefer it. I understand the dynamics of this particular game caters and utilizes the Joy-cons to the fullest. Still, I wouldn't say that it's irrelevant to "most" Switch owners. Maybe some, but not most.

While there are Switch owners who would rather play on TV with the Pro Controller, they aren't the majority of the console's user-base, especially when most Switch owners use the console in both docked and mobile forms. The target audience for a game like Super Mario Party probably doesn't even own a Pro Controller, nor do they care about buying one, so to them, these complaints are irrelevant.  

Barkley said:
" vast majority of Switch games at the moment support all play-styles, so there's no reason to complain when a game comes along that requires the Switch be used in a seemingly foreign way, because it's not like that's most of the console's lineup"

What? We shouldn't complain about lack of control options in Mario party because OTHER games have them? What kind of logic is that? xD

It's a valid criticism, especially as so many of the minigames are just analogue and buttons. It'll be a before I'll be able to play Super Mario Party, and that's sad.

I'd understand the complaints if the controls weren't responsive, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for most people.


Oh I dont have a problem with using a joycon, I'm sure it plays fine. My issue is I have only the two that came with the system. I spent my money on pro controllers for local multiplayer, now they want me to fork out £65 for another set of joycons to play Mario party? I've spent too much on switch controllers already. Joycons are very expensive. I can't justify spending £99.99 (the cost of the game and joycon bundle) to play one game.

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