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sundin13 said:
Nautilus said:

First of all, its been 7 years.People change over the course of time.Second, As I have already said in my summary which you probably didnt read, Im not sugarcoating the things that he did say that werent appropriate or even right.This is one of them.It was a sad statement and that was it.I do believe, at least now for this scenario that was proposed to him, his stance on homosexuals is that he has nothing against them, and respects them.He just prefers that his son would be straight so that not only it would allign with his views but also would allow him to have grandchildren.And there is a difference betwenn accepting homosexuality, and respecting homosexuality.I think every needs to respect it, as in respect that one person made the decision to be homosexual.You dont need to like it, you just need to respect that person personal decision.I have many gay friends that also agree with me on this.And I mean, he already went on record time and time again on why he would go out of his way to make lifes of homosexuals harder if he has much bigger and actual problems to solve?

Anyway, thats not even the most important.The really sad thing is that, when people come to support Bolsonaro, the reasons they list why they support him is because of all his government proposals.Economical, educational, security related and whatnot.But when it comes to the supporters of Haddad and PT, the reasons they support him are usually because they think that Bolsonaro is "homphobic, racist, sexist" and whatnot, as if a president is some kind of celebrity and not a manager, and barely list any proposal as to why they find PT government proposal any good.Just saying.

I think social issues are incredibly important, especially in a country where hate crimes against LGBT individuals aren't exactly uncommon. You can't just say that his comments about gay people don't matter. They do. These things fuel hatred and they fuel violence and they fuel the erosion of rights. I also don't think that those comments really do anything to alleviate concerns about gay rights, when he has stated as recently as last week that he opposes gay marriage:

I never said that they dont matter.They do.Of course they do.They are human beings as well, as we all are.Its just that people are trying to create a problem that dosent exist.Its irrelevant if someone loves lesbians, gays, bissexuals and whatnot, as long as he/she respects them and their choices and let them live freely.Thats what Bolsonaro current opinion on them is.At least, thats my take on it.

And when you have a security, educational, or economical proposal, it will be applied to every single citizen in that country, which obviously includes homosexxuals and minorities.After all they are not aliens, they are people too.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.