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Bolsonaro is a pathetic coward and a shame to our country, but people here pretend he is ok just because they don't like PT, which was the leading party for 13 straight years (2003-2016). He is so pathetic that his party just spread fake news through WhatsApp and he doesn't go to political debates (he says his health doesn't allow him to talk after getting stabed, but he gives 1 hour interviews on TV and makes long lives on facebook almost everyday). The truth is that there were many other candidates with good projects that had no involvment with any kind of corruption scandals, yet people voted on him because they are also stupid racists just like this man.

I'm doing everthing I can trying to show people how bad this man can be and, although his ideas are very favorable to people like me (white, male, straight, graduated, etc.), people just offend me when I say something against him. To be honest if he is elected I hope that everthing goes so wrong that people will learn to vote on someone decent next time (if there is a next time any soon). Let's just hope people wake up and he loses on 2nd round...