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Wii U games looked nicer for obvious reasons, but the Wii wins by far for me because of its library:

- Twilight Princess (#4 on my Zelda list) and Skyward Sword (Probably my favorite game ever).
- Both Super Mario Galaxy games. Not one amazing 3D Mario, but two!
- Super Paper Mario. One of the best stories in a Nintendo game, was also very fun.
- Wii Sports Resort/Wii Party/Wii Fit Plus. Spent hours upon hours playing these with friends and by myself.
- Mario Kart Wii. 8 is better in a lot of ways, but I have a soft spot for this one. Also, unlockables were actually challenging to get.
- Epic Mickey. Looking back it wasn't that great, but at the time it was a pretty cool concept and I loved it.
- The amazing music in the menus (Main menu, Mii channel and the Wii Shop).

Things that I loved about Wii U though:
- HD graphics (duh).
- Smash Bros. U was way better than Brawl.
- Bayonetta 1&2. Best blind purchase I've ever made.
- Online was pretty good (No more friend codes, Miiverse was kinda cool, connection was solid)
- Splatoon.
- Finally got to play Wind Waker with the HD remaster (Please port to Switch, thanks).